Know and adopt teachings of Lord Buddha in life

According to Hindi Panchang, on Thursday, May 7, the last date of Vaishakh month is Purnima. After this, the first month will start from May 8. On this date, the birth anniversary of Lord Buddha is also celebrated. There is a tradition of doing special rituals on the full moon day. So today we are going to tell you some of the most important inspirational teachings of Mahatma Buddha on Vaishakh Purnima, which if you take off in your life, then you will get well.

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1- Drop by drop fills a pot of water, similarly, a wise person collects little and fills himself with goodness.

2- Whatever is not yours, let it go, by doing this you will get long happiness and profit.

3. Keeping anger is like being caught with the intention of throwing hot coal on someone else, you only burn in it.

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4- Do not exaggerate what you have nor envy others. One who is jealous of others never gets peace of mind.

5- He who loves fifty people has fifty crises, he who does not love anyone does not have a single crisis.

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