Canada Introduces New Legislation to Ease Citizenship Process, All You Need to Know

Ottawa, Canada – In a move aimed at making Canadian citizenship more accessible, the Canadian government has introduced new legislation. This legislation, known as Bill C-71, will simplify the process for individuals born abroad to Canadian parents.

Under the new legislation, Canadian citizenship will be automatically granted to individuals born abroad to a Canadian parent who was also born abroad before the enactment of this legislation. Additionally, children born outside Canada and adopted by a Canadian parent will have the ability to apply for Canadian citizenship, extending beyond the first generation.

To be eligible, parents born abroad who wish to pass on citizenship to their children born or adopted outside Canada after the legislation comes into force must have spent at least 1,095 cumulative days physically present in Canada before the birth or adoption.

Marc Miller, the Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, highlighted the significance of these changes. "The current rules have often excluded individuals with a genuine connection to Canada, impacting their life choices significantly," said Minister Miller. "These changes aim to be inclusive and protect the value of Canadian citizenship, ensuring fairness and transparency in the citizenship process."

Bill C-71 seeks to address limitations imposed by the 2009 legislative changes, which restricted citizenship transmission to children born outside Canada only if their Canadian parent was born in Canada or naturalized before their birth. Moreover, the bill aims to restore citizenship to "Lost Canadians" – individuals who lost or never acquired citizenship due to outdated provisions in previous citizenship laws – and grant citizenship to their descendants and anyone born abroad to a Canadian parent in the second or subsequent generations before the legislation's enforcement.

Minister Miller emphasized that these changes are crucial for integration and fostering a sense of belonging in Canada, a nation built on the principles of democracy, equality, and multiculturalism. "Canadian citizenship is a cornerstone of integration for many immigrants, embodying our democratic values, equality, and multicultural ethos," he said.

The introduction of Bill C-71 reflects Canada's commitment to ensuring its citizenship laws are inclusive and representative of its diverse population. As the legislation moves through Parliament, individuals potentially affected by these changes are encouraged to stay informed through updates on the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) website for further details on eligibility.

If passed, these amendments will mark a significant step towards a more inclusive and equitable approach to Canadian citizenship by descent.

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