Cate Blanchett's big statement, says, 'Always recognized as a feminist'

Hollywood's famous actress Cate Blanchett always remains in discussions due to er looks and films. Cate has told that Feminism means equality. The actress has also said, "I have always been recognized as a feminist but have also been part of the anti-wave in the 80s and 90s. Feminism was a dirty word. It was talked about in the 1970s, I think it continued negatively in the 1980s and 1990s as well. "

She further said, "Being a feminist meant that you are anti-family and it was a disgrace for me. According to me, feminism is basically about equality but it also means that if someone has power in their hands, then they have to share these powers with others and this has become a cause of fear for many people. True power is about self-respect and respect for others. "

Talking about acting, Blanchett is playing Phyllis Schlafly in 'Mrs. America'. It is about to be aired on Star World in India. It is about to tell the story of the movement for change in equal rights under Schlafly's leadership in the 1970s.

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