Central govt orders to do district level lockdown due to corona

New Delhi: Due to increasing cases of corona infection, the central government has instructed the states that they should not be confined to micro containment zones but can also impose restrictions like lockdown at the district level. The central government has given this instruction in view of the rapid rise in corona infection in many districts. This has been said on behalf of the Union Health Secretary Rajesh Bhushan by writing a letter to the principal secretaries of all the states.

He has written in the letter that the speed with the new wave of the corona is increasing, poses a danger of our health infrastructure crumbling. On this occasion, we may have to pay a heavy price for any kind of laxity. Along with this, the letter also talks of moving from the strategy of Micro Containment Zones to work on large Containment Zones. The letter states that Where there is a cluster of cases, sending people or families to the quarantine is not the only option. There is a need to prepare large containment zones in such cases, whose limits are clear and strict restrictions should be enforced. 

The letter states that Containment Zones should have strict scales for control. These restrictions should be implemented for at least 14 days so that the link of infection can be broken. ' Let it be said that this is the first time since the lockdown imposed last year when the Health Ministry has said to prepare large containment zones and implement lockdown at the district level.

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