Central government responds on vaccine's effectiveness on new strain of corona

New Delhi: The new strain of coronavirus has knocked in India on Tuesday. So far more than 5 cases of this new strain have been reported in the country. Now the question is arising in everyone's mind whether the upcoming corona vaccine will prove effective against this new strain? A big statement of the Central Government has come out on this question.

The government on Tuesday, while giving press talks, has tried to allay people's concerns about the corona vaccine and new strains. The central government said that the corona vaccine would also work against the new form of the virus and that no evidence has been found that the existing vaccine would fail to protect against the new form of SARS-COV-2 from Britain or South Africa. Principal Scientific Advisor K Vijay Raghavan said in a press conference that it has not been found that the new strain increases the severity of the disease.

He said, 'There is no evidence that the current vaccine will fail against the new form of Covid-19 that has come out in Britain and South Africa. Most vaccines target infected spike proteins, which undergo mutations, but the vaccine stimulates our immune system to produce broad protective antibodies. '

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