Churches adopt 50,000 villages as 1 lakh people converted to Christianity during Corona period

New Delhi: The activities of Christian missionaries in India are constantly increasing. Missionaries have also taken considerable advantage of the crisis arising due to the corona epidemic. This has been revealed by the statement of David Reeves, CEO of 'Unfolding World', an organization working on the mission of translating the Bible into many languages. He claims that churches adopted 50,000 villages in India during the Corona period.

Speaking to 'Mission News Network (MNN) online', David Reeves said that as many churches were built in India during the Corona period as they were in the last 25 years. He went on to say that millions of people are now believing in Jesus Christ and arriving in the church to pray. He said that his organization is providing means for people in different parts of India to translate the Bible into local languages.

He has told that the 'Unfolding World' is engaged in the mission of strengthening the priests. He said that the people of India could not meet anyone in the pandemic, so they started praying. These prayers reached him through phone and WhatsApp. Reeves then made a big claim that 1 million people were converted to Christianity during the epidemic. He said that every church was asked to conduct prayers in 10 villages.

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