Chandrayaan-2 launched on July 20 still have enough fuel to revolve in Moon's orbit for 7 years

New Delhi: Chandrayaan-2, the second expedition of the country to reach the moon, has completed one year. The vehicle has been circling the Moon's orbit for the past 12 months. The country's space agency ISRO says that at present it is working well and the vehicle still has enough fuel to travel around the moon for seven more years.

It is worth mentioning that Chandrayaan-2 was sent into space on 22 July 2019 and it reached the lunar orbit on 20 August last year. The Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) issued a statement stating that the soft landing of a satellite carrying the rover on the lunar surface could not take place, but this spacecraft equipped with eight scientific instruments successfully reached the moon's orbit. Tha and Yan's arbiter have made more than four thousand trips to the moon in this one-year period.

Chandrayaan-2 is working well so far and all the equipment including its high-resolution cameras are doing their job properly. Chandrayaan-2's expedition was sent to study the nature, mineralogy and chemical equations of the lunar surface.

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