Check out ladies;What your pillow cover is doing to your skin and hair

The main roots of hair and skin problems are dust, pollution, unhealthy diet and wrong skin care routine.

Meanwhile, did you know that your favorite pillow can also harm your skin and hair?Yes, it happens when you use a cotton pillow case to cover your pillow.

Dry Skin – Cotton is rough in comparison to silk or satin. When you use it as a cover, it soaks oil from your skin, making it dry. Hence, it is a big No!

Wrinkles – Cotton being rough creates friction when it comes in contact with your skin. As a result, collagen present in your skin breaks and decreases skin elasticity, making you prone to wrinkles

Can cause pimples: Dirt on your pillow cover also lead to skin problems like pimples and other allergic reactions

Hair fall – While you sleep on that cotton pillow cover, it causes friction between your hair and the pillow cover, which results in hair fall.

Eyes lashes also fall – Just like hair, when there is a friction between your eyelashes and your pillow cover, it results in your lashes falling

Cause rashes –Friction due to your skin rubbing against the rough pillow cover causes rashes on your sensitive skin. Next time, make sure your pillow covers are softe

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