Children run away after seeing bottle gourd vegetable, so prepare and feed bottle gourd dosa, know how to make it

Are your kids giving the cold shoulder to nutritious vegetables? Fear not! Bottle gourd dosa is here to the rescue. In this article, we'll explore how to create a mouthwatering dosa that's not only packed with vitamins but also a hit with the little ones.

Why Bottle Gourd? The Veggie that Vanquishes Nutrient Neglect

Bottle gourd, also known as "Lauki" or "Sorakkai," is a powerhouse of nutrients. Its mild flavor and high water content make it an ideal ingredient to sneak into your child's diet.

Benefits of Bottle Gourd 1. Nutrient-Rich Goodness

Bottle gourd is brimming with vitamins like vitamin C, B-complex, and minerals such as calcium and magnesium.

2. Hydration Hero

With its high water content (over 90%), bottle gourd keeps your child well-hydrated.

3. Weight Management

This low-calorie vegetable aids in weight management and digestion.

4. Heart-Healthy

It helps in reducing cholesterol levels, promoting heart health.

The Magic of Bottle Gourd Dosa A Kid-Friendly Twist

Our bottle gourd dosa is designed to entice even the pickiest eaters. Its mild taste and appealing texture make it a hit among children.

Getting Creative with Veggies

You can sneak in other veggies like carrots or spinach for an added nutritional boost.

Ingredients You'll Need For the Dosa Batter: 1 cup rice 1/2 cup urad dal (black gram lentils) 1/2 cup grated bottle gourd A pinch of fenugreek seeds Salt to taste Water, as needed For the Filling (Optional): Finely chopped vegetables of your choice (carrots, capsicum, onions, etc.) Grated cheese (for an extra treat) Step-by-Step Preparation 1. Soak the Rice and Dal: Wash the rice and dal thoroughly. Soak them together in water for about 4-6 hours. 2. Blend to Perfection: Drain the soaked rice and dal. Blend them into a smooth batter using minimal water. 3. Add the Bottle Gourd: Grate the bottle gourd and add it to the batter. Mix well to combine. 4. Ferment the Batter: Add a pinch of fenugreek seeds and salt to the batter. Allow it to ferment overnight or for at least 8 hours. 5. Prepare the Dosa: Heat a non-stick skillet or dosa pan. Pour a ladleful of batter and spread it in a circular motion. Add the optional vegetable filling and grated cheese if desired. 6. Cook to Crispy Perfection: Drizzle some oil around the dosa. Cook until it turns golden brown and crisp. Serve with Love Bottle Gourd Dosa Delight

Garnish the dosa with a dollop of butter or chutney and watch your children gobble up their nutritious meal with delight.

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