Things getting back to normal in Wuhan, declared 'low risk area'

Beijing: China has reported 30 new cases of corona virus on Sunday, of which five have spread domestically. Of the 13 administrative districts of Wuhan, which have been the focal points of Corona, nine districts have been declared 'low risk areas', indicating the situation is slowly returning to normal.

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According to the report of the National Health Commission of China, in addition to 30 new cases of corona in China on Saturday, there were 47 such cases which did not show signs of corona, but it was positive. The commission said that 1,024 patients without symptoms are still under medical supervision. There are 244 people who have been infected from abroad. In fact, researchers have found that patients without symptoms can play an important role in spreading the infection to others. These are people who are healthy in appearance but can infect others.

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Cases of uncomplicated infection can be detected only by examination. Such people will soon be moved out of Wuhan. After this, trains will be able to run, flights will resume, and the ban on exit will end. Now shopping malls have opened here. People are coming here wearing masks. This is the same city from which the corona virus originated.

First death from Corona in this city, 28 infected in 24 hours

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