China's Xi Jinping will make a state visit to Russia from March 20 to 22

Moscow: As a result of President Vladimir Putin's invitation, Chinese President Xi Jinping will pay a state visit to Russia from March 20 to 22, the Kremlin announced on Friday.

The trip coincides with China's offer to mediate a settlement in Ukraine, a move that has drawn criticism from the West because of Beijing's diplomatic ties to Russia.

The Kremlin stated that the topical issues of the future growth of comprehensive partnership relations and strategic cooperation between Russia and China would be covered during the talks.

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It also stated that "a number of significant bilateral documents" would be signed.

Weeks before Russia invaded Ukraine, in February 2022, when Putin was in Beijing for the Winter Olympics, China and Russia forged a "no limits" alliance.

Since then, the two parties have maintained their strong bonds. Since the invasion, trade between the two nations has increased dramatically, and China is Russia's top oil customer, a significant source of income for Moscow.

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A comment on whether or not Xi might visit Moscow was requested from the Kremlin, but the Chinese foreign ministry did not provide one right away.

Given how sensitive the subject is, the sources who were briefed on it declined to give their names. Putin hinted that Xi would visit Russia last month when he welcomed Wang Yi, China's top diplomat, to Moscow.

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Weeks before Russia invaded Ukraine, in February 2022, when Putin was in Beijing for the Winter Olympics, China and Russia forged a "no limits" partnership. Since then, the two nations have repeatedly reaffirmed the strength of their ties.

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