Football: Players Suspended for 6 Months for Breaking Virus Curfew

The Chinese Football Association suspended 6 players of the country's under-19 football team for 6 months due to the breaking of the Corona curfew. They all went out for drinking at midnight from the training camp. The training camp of the under-19 team was going on in Shanghai since May 17, which has ended on June 26 only. There were 35 players in this camp.

Players break curfews: The Chinese Football Association issued a statement saying it was a direct violation of the team's pandemic control rules and it had a negative impact on the entire team. Suspended 6 players will not be able to play any football match till 30 November. Apart from this, the club will also take action on their behalf.

The team will be harmed by this: Head Coach: The team's head coach Cheng Yaudong said - all the players understood the seriousness of the situation. This is also a big loss for the team and the players. This will affect our preparations.

Olympic preparations will be affected: China's under-19 football team was to participate in the upcoming season of the Chinese Third Division League in terms of Olympic preparations . But due to suspension of 6 players, the difficulty will increase.

More than 83 thousand cases of corona in China : So far, more than 83 issues of coronavirus have been reported in China, while 4634 people lost their lives. Here, the lockdown has been lifted in Wuhan city from where Corona spread throughout the world. By the way, the condition is slowly coming back on track in the country.

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