Chinese Internet Giant begins digging of Bitcoins

Baidu, the Beijing headquartered Chinese Internet  Giant has embarked a web service called  Baidu Jinkuang Which taps into the fresh hard disk and more bandwidth space of user to mine bitcoins in exchange for real money. Baidu in a statement put out some caveats to its users for this program which include a computer equipped with at least a "16-core CPU, 64 gigabytes of storage and 1-gigabit broadband network connection," according to a report in the South China Morning Post. Once the opening demands are met the with the technical team behind Baidu Jinkuang claim that by harnessing peer to peer content delivery networks, or in layman term leasing the processing power of computers and banding them together to increase the processing outcome. Baidu, often known  Google of China, is well known for its ubiquitous search engine that manages within the boundaries of the 'Great Firewall of China' a tongue in cheek jibe at the Golden Shield Project, which is China's internet censorship and surveillance tool. Bluechip international tech giants like Google and Facebook are still blocked in China which prepared Chinese tech companies like Baidu the one stop shop for web services. 


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