Chinese official accuses this country's army of spreading coronavirus

After launching from China, the coronavirus has gradually caught 124 countries. Around 5000 people have died due to the virus that started in China. Simultaneously, a Chinese official claimed that 'the deadly coronavirus may have been brought into China by the US military. However, he has not presented any evidence regarding this claim.

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On this matter, China Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian made this statement on Twitter late Thursday night. Common people are making similar arguments on Chinese social media. The head of China's Center for Disease Control and Prevention himself has said that the source of the virus was wild animals sold in a market in the central city of Wuhan.

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In recent times, Chinese authorities and a leading health expert have claimed that the virus may have originated elsewhere. Beijing has expressed its displeasure for calling the disease as 'Wuhan virus' by the US. He further wrote in the tweet that the lies of the CDC have been caught. Questioning, he asked how many people are infected with it? What are the names of hospitals? He said, "It could be the US Army which has brought an epidemic in Wuhan. Be transparent! Make your data public! America should give us an explanation!"

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