Christian mechanic in Pakistan was found guilty of blasphemy sentenced to death

Pakistan: A Christian mechanic who was found guilty of insulting the Prophet Mohammed by claiming that Jesus Christ is the "true prophet" was given the death penalty for blasphemy in Pakistan. During a verbal altercation with a Muslim client at his motorbike repair shop in Lahore in 2017 after the man refused to pay his bill, Ashfaq Masih, 34, was detained.

Five years after his arrest, Masih, who has a wife and daughter, was on Monday sentenced to death by a Lahore court. Mehmood Masih, his older brother, claimed that following the verdict, their family was brought to tears and that it feels like "the end of the world for them. Anyone found guilty of insulting religion or religious figures could receive the death penalty under Pakistan's blasphemy laws. Even though blasphemy has not yet resulted in a death sentence, the person accused can spark riots.

Masih argued in court that the allegations against him were "baseless, false, and frivolous" and that he was innocent of all of them. He added that a rival who wanted to ruin his motorcycle repair business made the accusation against him. I insisted on paying my bill and stated that I don't follow anyone besides Jesus and wasn't concerned about his level of religiosity.

Due to several delays and cancellations, Masih has been incarcerated for five years while waiting to be found guilty. While he was incarcerated, his mother passed away in 2019, and he was released on parole to attend her funeral.

The judgement was disgusting, according to Nasir Saeed, the director of the Center for Legal Aid Assistance and Settlement, a nonprofit that assists Pakistani Christians who are being persecuted.He gave a statement on this judgement that  I can't think of any instances where the lower court decided to release someone on bail who had been charged with violating the blasphemy law,  The judges are aware that these cases are brought about to punish and avenge personal grievances against the opponents, particularly Christians.  he also Said that Due to pressure from Islamic organisations, judges in lower courts are constantly reluctant to release the victims but instead opt for the more popular course of action to save face and shift the burden to the high court. He has already served five years in prison for a crime he didn't commit and is innocent.

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