Cinnabuns Recipe

Ingredients of Cinnabuns

1 cup all-purpose flour

3 tablespoon unsalted butter

1/2 cup brown sugar

1 1/2 tablespoon powdered cinnamon

For Icing

3 tablespoon cream cheese

1/4 cup icing sugar

2 tablespoon unsalted butter

1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract

For Dough

4 tablespoon butter

100 gm granulated sugar

1/2 teaspoon dry yeast

1 egg

1/2 cup lukewarm milk

3/8 teaspoon salt

How to make Cinnabuns

Step 1

To prepare this amazingly delicious dessert recipe, take a dough kneading plate and add all purpose flour, granulated sugar, butter, lukewarm milk, and dry yeast, and knead to a soft dough. When the dough is ready, take a large bowl and grease with a little butter. Place the prepared dough in this bowl and cover with a cling film. Keep this bowl aside for about 30-minutes or so. By this time, the yeast will help the dough to rise double in size.

Step 2

In a smooth surface, deflate the dough and roll it into the shape of a rectangle. Spread the dough and brush it with unsalted butter. 

Step 3

Now, pre-heat an oven at 205 degree Celsius and pop in the baking tray containing the cut pieces. Let the pieces bake for 15 minutes and turn into delicious buns. Meanwhile, prepare the icing by mixing together the cream cheese, butter, icing sugar and vanilla extract in a large bowl. You can use an electric beater to prepare the icing for the buns.

Step 4

Once the buns are baked, top them up with icing while they are still warm. You can serve them warm or chilled, as you like. They can even be stored for a day or two if frozen.Cinnabuns is a popular snack and dessert recipe all over the world and particularly in European and American cuisine. As the name suggests, this bun is made with cinnamon, sugar and butter filling, with an icing made of cream cheese and unsalted butter. This dessert cum snack recipe is made on special occasions and festivals and is loved by people of all age groups.

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