CM Kejriwal said by implementing 'Modi model' in Delhi, said - only those who want...

New Delhi: Delhi CM and AAP supremo Arvind Kejriwal, while holding a press conference on Thursday, has announced that work will soon be done towards making the capital a startup hub. He has told that the Delhi cabinet has passed the Delhi Startup Policy. Under which the Kejriwal government of Delhi will provide assistance for start-ups. At the same time, collateral and interest free loan will also be provided. Along with this, startups will also be given free legal and financial advice.

Meanwhile, Kejriwal said that now everyone will not get free electricity in Delhi. He said that whoever wants to take electricity subsidy, only he will get it and the person who does not want to take it will not be given it. That is, now this arrangement will be optional. Kejriwal said that those able-bodied people who want to give up subsidy can pay the entire bill from October 1.

Let us tell you that in the year 2015, during the International Energy Summit held in the month of March, PM Narendra Modi started the Quit Subsidy campaign, after which a large number of people automatically stopped consuming it. During this, PM Modi had said that those who are rich, who do not need, should not take subsidy. He also thanked those who have refused to take subsidy.

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