Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Mohan Yadav has invited global clothing brand Uniqlo to set up operations in the state. Madhya Pradesh, known for producing rare, naturally-colored cotton, is actively attracting top brands with its business-friendly policies, ample land, and skilled workforce. During his visit to Japan, CM Yadav met with Susumu Kataoka, Chairman of the Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO), and his delegation in Tokyo’s Minato-ku district. He encouraged JETRO to open an office in Madhya Pradesh, highlighting its strategic location at the heart of India. "JETRO said that the upcoming 'Global Investors Summit' will be a great opportunity for Japanese companies to explore investment possibilities in Madhya Pradesh. They will also help bring more Japanese businesses to the event and strengthen investment partnerships," Yadav shared on X. In a packed day of meetings, the CM also had detailed discussions with Tadashi Yanai, the visionary founder of Uniqlo. Yanai expressed interest in replicating Uniqlo’s U.S. model in India, where small farmers are actively involved in cotton farming and production. Yadav welcomed the idea, emphasizing that a strong partnership with Uniqlo would benefit both the state and the brand. Madhya Pradesh is India’s only producer of rare, naturally-colored cotton. The state also offers vast farmland, reliable labor policies, and a strong water supply -- essential factors for cotton farming. Tokyo, Japan: I met with Mr. Shohei Hara, Senior Vice President of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) to discuss Japan’s expertise in technology transfer, trade support, and youth employment initiatives in Madhya Pradesh. Our discussions focused on JICA’s… — Dr Mohan Yadav (@DrMohanYadav51) January 29, 2025 The Chief Minister also met the Senior Vice President of the JICA - Japan Int'l Cooperation Agency - Shri Shohei Hara, and discussed Japan’s role in trade support, technology transfer, and employment programs for Madhya Pradesh’s youth. "Our talks focused on JICA’s potential support for infrastructure and hydropower projects in both the public and private sectors," Yadav posted. Later, at Bridgestone’s headquarters in Tokyo, the CM had an in-depth discussion with the company’s Global CEO, Shuichi Ishibashi, along with top executives from various industries. He invited them to partake in the Global Investors Summit in Bhopal to be held on February 24-25, 2025.