The cold season has started and worrying about how the skin should be protected in the cold as the skin becomes very turbid during the cold season. In this way, tell you that coconut oil is a major contributor. Applying coconut oil in the hair will bring shine and new laughing in the hair. Massage the coconut oil in the affected part of the wrinkle on the face and neck, and the wrinkle is destroyed. There is more like the benefits of coconut oil, know 

Make-up remover: The pores of the skin are closed due to makeup throughout the day, but by applying coconut oil in cotton, on the face, it clears the face by cleaning the face, you can not naturally clean your face, but rather The skin moisture also remains.

Remove the scars and acne : After adding cucumber juice to coconut oil daily, the facial scars are removed byapplying it twice a day. Or, after adding lemon juice mixed with coconut oil, acne is exhausted.

For anti-aging: After bathing coconut oil enhances the skin glow by not only massage the skin, but also acts as an anti-aging agent. Antioxidants present in it protect the skin cells from being destroyed.

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