Coffee ice cube is best for oily skin, know other benefits

Every woman wants her skin to be glowing and glowing. Yes and for this she also uses many face products on her face. Well, if you want, you can deal with it cheaply and that too with coffee ice cubes. You can use it on your face. Yes, coffee is very beneficial for the face. It helps in maintaining the glow of your skin. Not only this, but apart from this, it also removes pigmentation. In this case, you can use it as a scrub on the face. Coffee has anti-aging properties with bleaching properties, which help in removing problems like wrinkles, black patches that come before your age. If you can use it regularly on the face then you can get many benefits. Let's know.

How to make Coffee Ice Cube- material- Organic Coffee - 2-3 tsp Hot water - 2 cups Honey - 1 tsp

Method of use- To make this, first you mix coffee and honey in hot water. Now let it cool down well. After cooling, mix it in an ice tray and then keep it in the refrigerator. After this, to apply on the face, first wash the face with plain water. After that wrap the coffee cubes in a muslin cloth. Now massage it on the skin for 4-5 minutes. Leave it on the face for about 10-15 minutes and then wash the face thoroughly with plain water.


Skin will be tight - By applying coffee ice cubes on the face, your blood circulation will be good. Applying this on the face will make your skin tight.

Pimples away - Actually, anti-oxidants and chlorogenic acid are found in it, which also helps in removing acne from your skin.

Oily skin- Even if you have oily skin, coffee ice cubes can be very beneficial for your skin.

Remove black spots and dullness- Coffee ice cubes also help in improving your skin. Yes and applying it on the face also removes the black spots and dullness of your skin.

Swelling of the eyes - This can also remove the swelling of your eyes.

This face pack of neem will remove acne and pimples from the face

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