Common mistakes Girl commits while buying Makeup!!

Every lady is just obsessed about MAKEUP!! In order to look beautiful and charming, all the females try out different versions of the makeup on their face. 

If you look out at their collection you will see huge variety and you will also see different shades of lipsticks, eyeliners and what not in every range. When they go out for shopping coming back without one makeup item is sin for them. 

Some females know what they want and what suits them when they go out in a market while others absolutely have no clue of it and they end up doing few mistakes.

Below is the list of all such mistakes a girl commits:

1. Doing the test of foundation on their hands.

2. Never read the ingredients written on a bottle.

3. Buying products which they already have.

4. Biggest one I think- Giving authority to store lady to choose for you.

5. Sometimes never buying products by keeping in view of their skin type.

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