Consumption of Chickoo reduces weight

chikoo is a fruit which is available all twelve months, it is a very tasty fruit, the cheeku is also beneficial for our health, it contains a lot of nutrients such as protein, carbohydrate, vitamin-A, c and iron. Today, we are going to tell you about some benefits of eating lemon juice,

1- Chickoo consumption is very beneficial in pregnancy, apart from the use of it, it also protects against heart diseases and cancer.

2- Excess fat fiber is present in the scalp which is very beneficial for the stomach, it consumes the digestion of food, besides it does not constipate constipation.

3- It is rich in Vitamin A which is very beneficial for our eyes. Its consumption gives relief from all the problems of the eyes.

4-It is also very beneficial in the timing of acidity, the consumption of it digestive system remains intact, and the food is easily digested. 

5- If you regularly consume the juice of it, it reduces excess fat on the stomach, and remains in the obesity control.


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