Karnataka: Congress leader's employee found corona positive

Corona continues to wreak havoc in Karnataka. Coronavirus has caught many people. Many people of the political party have come under the grip of Coronavirus. Corona has made 4 employees of Congress leader its victims. Tabu Gundu Rao, the wife of Congress leader Dinesh Gundu Rao, said that the four employees of the leader have been tested positive. She told that test of our PA, one gunman, and two house staff has been found positive. We are negative but quarantined for 10 to 14 days. This investigation will take place during this time because we were in contact with the infected. The officials and ministers of the country and abroad have also been infected with the coronavirus. According to the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, the total number of infected persons in Karnataka has gone up to 23,474, and death toll is 372.

In India, the number of corona infected patients has crossed 7 lakh. Every day thousands of infected patients are being found. Corona has infected 22 thousand people in a single day. According to new figures 7.19 lakh people have been hit by Corona. The number of patients recovering from the virus in the country is also increasing rapidly. So far, 4.39 lakh patients have been fully recovered. Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Delhi, and Gujarat are the worst affected.

According to the Union Health Ministry, during the last 24 hours, 22,252 new cases of coronavirus have been found all over the country. Out of which 467 people have lost their lives with the virus. The total number of coronavirus cases in the country has increased to 7 lakh 19 thousand 665. Out of this, 2 lakh 59 thousand 557 are active cases, while 4 lakh 39 thousand 948 people have become healthy. 20,160 people have also died due to this epidemic.

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