MP Suresh Prabhu keeping distance from public for 14 days

Bharatiya Janata Party MP Suresh Prabhu has isolated himself for 14 days after his return from a recent trip to Saudi Arabia to attend the second Sherpa meeting on 10 March 2020. Recently, he had tested for coronavirus after returning from Saudi Arabia. However, his result came negative. Even after the test, as a precaution, he has set himself apart at his residence for the next 14 days.

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Apart from this, Muralitharan took this decision after coming in contact with a doctor from Sri Chitra Trinool Institute for Medical Science and Technology in Thiruvananthapuram. These doctors had returned from Spain and worked in the hospital for 10 days before the positive test. Those days Union Minister of State Muralitharan came in contact with him during a meeting. If the report is to be believed, the minister has decided to have a home quarantine in his Delhi residence itself, although he did the test which has come negative. V Muralitharan is keeping a distance from Parliament and also did not attend BJP parliamentary meeting.

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The number of coronavirus patients has reached 147 in the country and more than 5700 are being monitored. The first case of the corona has come to light in the army. A 64-year-old elderly man died on Tuesday at Kasturba Hospital in Mumbai, which is the third death in the country so far.

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