Why strong immune system kills corona?

Researchers researching the different effects of Covid-19 around the world claim that Covid-19 also plays an important role in the death of the body's immune system. If any person's immune system is correct, then the risk of death is less. It doesn't matter what age the person is? According to research published in the journal Maderexiv, scientists from Edinburgh and other universities of the UK took this result during an intensive investigation of the dead bodies of Covid-19. Researchers investigated 37 organs and structures in 11 corpses shortly after death. These include the lungs.

It was believed that due to the infection of Covid-19, there is swelling in the tissues of many organs. Due to which the organs gradually stop working. For this Covid-19 patients were given dexamethasone medication which reduces inflammation, but scientists who have researched these dead bodies believe that swelling in tissues is not the cause of death of Covid-19 patients. This only confirms the corona infection.

Researchers reported that due to Covid-19 infection, RNA and proteins of corona have been found in tissues, but its effect is limited to inflammation in tissues. It seems that this is not the cause of death. Rather, the cause of death is the body's immune system, in those people in which it does not do the right thing, problems increase, and chances of dying increase.

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