Action will be taken to release pets in this state of India

Corona has spread her legs all over the world. In this situation, as soon as people hear about the rumour of the virus spreading from something, then people are immediately keeping a distance from it. In the era of this crisis, so many rumours have spread. In such a situation, the Government of Assam has issued an order. In Assam, if someone leaves pets for fear of coronavirus, they may have to face legal action. The Assam Police has issued orders to the District Police Chiefs to ensure that legal action can be taken against people leaving their pets on the fear of coronavirus. In Assam, many shopkeepers have kept pets in their shops to keep a distance from them.

The Assam State Police Headquarters has issued an order to the Commissioner of Police of Guwahati and all the Superintendents of Police regarding the release of pets and asked them to take action through People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) India. On this order of the Assam Police, Associate Manager of PETA India Emergency Response Team, Meet Ansari has said that he thanks the Assam Police for giving such instructions to the authorities to ensure that those who accompany animals during the coronavirus crisis Do not behave properly, they should be legally strict.

In the midst of the growing infection of the coronavirus, many types of rumours are also spreading. In such a situation, the rumor is also spreading that coming into contact with pets can cause coronavirus infection. But so far the experts of any country have not claimed this. In such a situation, there is no risk of pets.

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