Cough will reduce taking balck pepper and sugar candy mixture

In winter anyone gets cold easily because  infection is seen everyewhere. In such a situation, there is a need to take special care in the winter season.. If you are involved in such an infection from somewhere then you can take some home remedies. Yes, very often it happens that we do not want to go to the doctor repeatedly. So we are going to tell you some solutions to avoid this.

Some home remedies to remove cough:

* Use of mishri and black pepper: Cough often grow naturally in the night, due to over-cold in the night. So  you can use a mixture of mishri and black pepper, by using this, your cough will remove.

Use black pepper and sugar candy as follows:

* First, take the black pepper and sugar candy in equal quantity and grind them.

* Use this mixture while you are sleeping at night. Do not use this mixture with water, you can use this mixture twice a day by mixing it in the tea or you can take with milk.

* This mixture increases your immune system and helps reduce your cough.

If you are diabetes patient, do not use it, it can also affect your health.

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