Court fined Rs 70,000 Hampi vandals and asked to help in the restoration of destroyed pillars

Bengaluru: Police arrested four boys for vandalising a portion of the UNESCO world heritage site in Karnataka's Hampi. Police conducted an investigation with the help of a  video of the vandalism which went viral on social media. Accused fined a sum of Rs 70,000 and directed to participate in the restoration of the pillars.

Police officials said that an Instagram post by one of the boys led them to the culprits who are residents of Bihar and Madhya Pradesh. The accused have been identified as Ayush Sahu, Rajababu Choudry, Raha Aryan Choudry, and Rajeskumar Choudari.

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Bellary superintendent of police (SP) Arun Rangarajan told media outlets that a phone number linked to the Instagram account which was used to post a video of the act led them to the boys.

In the video of the act which had gone viral on social media earlier this month, the four boys were seen vandalising and desecrating five pillars outside the Vishnu Temple in Hampi

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The boys confessed to vandalising five pillars of the Vishnu temple in Hampi during a visit in January. As a result, the accused were presented before a court of the principal civil judge and JMFC Hospet. They were each fined a sum of Rs 70,000 and directed to participate in the restoration of the pillars which is to be carried out by ASI. The court in its order said that the four accused have been convicted on "pleading guilty/plea bargaining".


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