COVID-19: 492 corona positive, three deaths in Indore

Number of positive patients in Indore once again surpassed 400-mark on Friday and even reached second highest COVID positive cases in city. A steep rise in cases was seen 179 additional cases increased in a day in comparison to Thursday.

As many as 492 out of 4,684 samples returned positive last day. It is the highest number of positive cases after October 1 when 495 people had tested positive. As many as 4,153 samples tested negative on Friday. Rate of positive patients was recorded at 10.5% as corona tally 37,115. Three deaths were also reported taking toll to 729.

As per CMHO bulletin, reports of total samples received till Friday night was 4,61,786. Department took 3,859 more samples, including 1,699 RTPCR samples and 2160 for Rapid Antigen Tests. As many as 2693 patients are under treatment in various hospitals of the city. Total 33693 patients have been discharged so far. As many as 83 patients were added to the discharged patients list on Friday as reconciliation.

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