This mask made from curd made to remove wrinkles on the skin

Yoghurt is the most beneficial for health. It is also considered very beneficial for skincare tips. Applying curd on the face in the right way nourishes the skin, at the same time it also glows. Today we are going to tell you about some of the things that you apply on the face by mixing it in curd, then there will be a glow on your face and the colour of your face will shine.

Curd and Vitamin E - To make the skin young, you can mix vitamin E capsules with yoghurt and apply it to the face. In such a situation, vitamin E is considered to be very beneficial for the skin. Take curd in a pot to prepare it and add two capsules of vitamin E to it. After about 10 minutes of applying it to the face, clean it with cold water.

Talking about the properties of yoghurt and orange- Orange, the vitamin C present in it has the ability to eliminate many skin troubles. Not only this, but vitamin C also increases collagen. You can make a mask by adding orange powder or juice to the curd. Mix it well and then leave it on the face for about 10 minutes. Wash off after a while.

Curd and green tea - By mixing these two on the face, the wrinkles are eliminated in addition to the fine lines. It is said that green protects the skin from UV waves. One of the benefits of applying curd and green tea is that it can also reduce dark circles. Make a face mask by mixing curd in green tea powder and leaving it on the face for about 15 minutes. It will be beneficial.

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