Death toll declines amidst increasing cases of corona in country

New Delhi: The number of Covid infected in India has been steadily decreasing. After six months, less than 19 thousand Covid cases have come in the country. Today, on the 7th day, less than 25 thousand cases and on the 16th day less than 30 thousand cases were registered. In the last 24 hours, 18,732 newly infected patients found. 279 people lost the battle of life with the case. The good thing is that 21,430 patients have also recovered from Covid in the past day.

According to the latest data of the Ministry of Health, the total cases of Covid in India has increased to 1 crore 88,000. Of these, 1 lakh 47 thousand 622 people have lost their lives so far. Total active cases have come down to 2 lakh 78 thousand. So far, a total of 97 lakh 61 thousand people have been cured by beating Covid.

About 17 crore corona test: According to Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), till December 26, a total of 16.8 million sample tests of Covid-19 were done, out of which 9 lakh samples were tested yesterday. The positivity rate in the country is 7 percent. Covid-19 has less than 20,000 active cases in 33 states and union territories. Of the total active cases of Covid-19, 40 percent are from Kerala and Maharashtra.

Death rate and recovery rate: Maharashtra, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Kerala have the highest recovery. These five states account for 52 percent of the total recovery. Covid-19 has a recovery rate of over 90 percent in all states and union territories. It is a matter of relief that the death rate and active case rate are being recorded continuously. The death rate of Covid in the country is 1.45 percent while the recovery rate is around 96 percent. Active case is less than 3 percent. The most active cases are in Maharashtra. India is ranked 10th in the world in active case cases. India is the second most affected country in the world according to the number of Covid infected. The recovery has been highest in the world after America, in India. India is number after death in America and Brazil.

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