Woman's body found in drum, police investigating

On Wednesday, Mumbai police officials claimed to have solved the murder case of the women whose decomposed body was found packed in a drum in Shivaji Nagar. According to the police, the women have aged around 30-year-old. The police have arrested a 60-year-old man in the case while his wife is still wanted in the case. 

According to the police, the arrested accused man, Babu Bhagwan Patel has confessed to his role in the murder. Babu Bhagwan Patel basically runs a real estate business in Mumbai. The wanted women is identified as a commercial sex worker form Dadar named Meena. 

Earlier on May 11, the decomposed body of a woman was found in a blue drum. After the autopsy reports, it is revealed that the women was murdered. After this, the police have registered a murder case and hence got down to work on identifying the deceased.

While inquiring the local's police officials have come to know that the blue drum was dumped by the tempo driver. Senior inspector Deepak Pagare of Shivaji Nagar police station said that, after questionings, we found the tempo's registration number. The tempo driver was called and he identified the drum saying that an elderly man had hired his vehicle to transport the drum from Vashi, reports TOI.

In Vashi, the police officers came to know that the drum was ferried by another tempo there. After finding out the registration number of this tempo, cops questioned its driver who drove them to Karave village near Seawoods in Navi Mumbai.

Deputy commissioner of police Shahaji Umap said that through our whistle-blower network we zeroed in on Patel and arrested him. He confessed to murdering the woman at his house four days earlier. It means he conserved the body at his house before taking it to Shivaji Nagar in the drum.

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