Delhi air pollution hits to alarming levels, shutting down of all construction activities and industries

New Delhi: On Sunday, The air pollution in  Delhi hit the second highest level of the year and overall air quality (AQI) was recorded at 477. The gas chamber like situation has prompted the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) led task force against air pollution to suggest shutting down of all construction activities and industries in Delhi and NCR region till December 26. 

According to IMD report, the awful situation might improve slightly but is likely to continue in the 'severe' category until the afternoon of December 26 after which high wind speeds will improve the dispersion of pollutants.

 However, the move is an emergency reaction to the alarming situation that persists in Delhi-NCR, imperiling the lives of millions of residents in the area. The Graded Response Action Plan (GRAP) task force that includes government officials and environment, health and weather experts, advised the Environment Pollution Control Authority to intensify ground actions as suggested in a meeting chaired by Member Secretary (CPCB). 

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Industries located in the hotspot industrial areas of Wazirpur, Mundka, Narela, Bawana, Sahibabad and Faridabad will remain closed until December 26. Construction activities in Delhi, Faridabad, Gurugram, Ghaziabad and Noida will also be stopped till December 26. Traffic police have been suggested to ensure smooth traffic flow in areas with high traffic. The police department is strictly adviced to ensure that non-destined heavy-duty vehicles travel through eastern and western peripheral expressways. Concerned authorities are expected to take stringent action against illegal industries.

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