DHE makes final seats allocation in BEd colleges

Department of Higher Education (DHE) on Friday made final allocation of seats in different BEd colleges to students who had registered for second additional round of centralized online admission counselling. Students who have been allocated seats will have to submit fee in colleges by November 10 for securing admissions. Nearly 10 per cent seats were still vacant in college offering BEd course in Indore city. The first at state level was around 20 per cent. Following demand by BEd college directors, the DHE had granted two additional round of counselling.

The second additional round may now fill 100 seats in colleges in the city. However, Devi Ahilya Private Education College Association president Abhay Pandey is afraid that many students in fear of Covid-19 will not report to colleges for submission of fees. "In that case, allocation of seats won't convert into admissions," he said demanding from DHE for providing contact numbers of students so that they can be contacted by the colleges concerned.

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