Did Jesus Christ really perform miracles?

Even today there are many people in the world who do not believe in God and things related to them. While many still believe in their existence, in this way there are myths about Jesus, about whom some people even today says that he has no existence in this world, but it is not that he was never in the world.

It is believed that Jesus was born many years before i.e. on 25 December 336 AD, and since his birth, it has been written all the good and bad events about his life, right from his birth. He had some such powers, due to which he provided healing to many suffering and sick people. From that time onwards, his followers had started accepting everything from him, and always obeyed the words and sayings of Jesus. Many of his disciples stay with him day and night. It is also said that Jesus cured many people and saved the blind.

It is also said that after some time of his birth, many such things happened with him on which it is very difficult to believe even today, but it is said that when he grew up, many atrocities also took place. He was also tortured in many ways, but he never protested and faced all the troubles and difficult situations.

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