Difference Between British & American English

 A common problem that every English language learners have to deal with is the baffling difference between British and American English. Especially we Indians have battled long and hard for understanding the variation of the language.

Although the two forms of English may seem similar on the surface, there are contrasts in vocabulary, grammar, spelling, punctuation, telling dates, and other differences which every one of us has to continually bear in mind.

Here we have mentioned those words or terms of British and American English which have been baffling us ever since:

1 Chips and Fries

2 Trousers and Pants

3 -Our, -Or and -Tre, -Ter

4 Football and Soccer

5 Tap and Faucet

6 Biscuits and Cookie

7 Crisps and Potato chips

8 Queue and Line

9 Trainers and Sneakers

10 Wardrobe and Closet

11 Anti-Clockwise and Counterclockwise

12 Rubbish and Garbage

13 Lift and Elevator

14 Petrol and Gasoline

15 Boot and Trunk

16 Tube and Subway

17 Car Park and Parking Lot

18 Lorry and Truck

19 Bonnet and Hood

20 Waistcoat and Vest

21 Garden and Yard

22 Pavement and Sidewalk

23 Motorway and Highway

24 Number Plate and License Plate

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