Do you know different types of dandruff?

Dandruff is the most annoying thing that can happen to us. It gets really embarrassing when you wear a black dress and that white powder cover-up's your shoulder. Many times we don't even know the type of our dandruff and ends up using wrong products. So here let's have a look at different types of dandruff according to your scalp type. 

1. Dry Scalp The logic works the same as it does for your skin. When you don't moisturise it enough, it'll start getting dry and flaky. This is one of the reasons why some people experience dandruff when the skin is stripped off all the moisture. Most of us indulge in hot water showers, which worsen the condition. The key is always to include nourishing foods in your diet and use an effective anti-dandruff shampoo. Drink plenty of fluids.

2. Oily Scalp When the scalp produces too much of sebum or oil and is not cleaned properly and regularly. It combines with dead skin cells to produce dandruff. This can be treated in two ways - (a) finding an efficient cleaning agent to clean your scalp regularly and keep it healthy, (b) treating abnormal production of sebum/oil.

Oily scalp becomes a feeding ground of a certain fungus called Malassezia. Such a condition facilitates thriving of the fungus thereby aggravating dandruff.

3. Disorders, Diseases and Allergies Other ailments affect our bodies in numerous ways. Some skin disorders like eczema or psoriasis can trigger dandruff. You can be allergic to a certain drug, chemical or food item which can react in a way to cause your skin (including your scalp) to itch and flake. A seborrheic dermatitis is a form of acute dandruff, which usually occurs at the back of the head and near the neck. It can also spread to the rest of the scalp and is often accompanied by sores, itchiness, and red patches.

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