Handicapped are also getting a job through this technology, Know here!

The presence of many technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning and the Internet of Things (IoT) in the country has also provided employment opportunities to people. In addition, research firm Gartner's report showed that new technologies could increase the number of physically challenged people by three times by 2023.

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Handicapped will be able to work easily through these techniques - According to the report, Divyang will be able to work faster through Artificial Intelligence, because they only have to give the command. With this, the Divyang will be able to get a job using his mind. At the same time, Gartner Chief Officer Daryl Plummer has said that it will be very easy for the disabled to work through technologies like augmented reality and AI. He has further stated that at present there are restaurants where robots are used under the pilot project.

Increase in the productivity of the employees - If the report is to be considered, then the retention rate of the companies which have employed the disabled is not increasing beyond 86 percent. Apart from this, the productivity of the company has increased by 72 percent. Apart from this, there has been a 29 percent increase in profit.

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Impact on buying capacity - According to the Gartner report, Emotion can also be combined with AI technology after 2020. This means that companies can better understand the demand, emotion, and buying patterns of their consumers. It is expected that this may have a major impact on the buying capacity of companies. Let me tell you that at this time the three heavyweight technologies include AI and machine learning technology. Also, these technologies can have a profound impact on the market.

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