DIY face care for Acne Prone skin at home

Acne is one of the most embarrassing skin concerns out there. It occurs due to many factors such as pollution, lack of water intake, oily skin, oily foods, hormonal imbalance, and many more conditions. And even with all the creams and ointments available in the market, it sometimes still isn’t enough to effectively treat acne.

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But, fret not. These DIY face packs will assure you that there is a cure to treating this skin concern the natural way without harming your skin. What’s best is that these packs will work way quicker than any over-the-counter remedy.

Baking Soda Face Mask

Baking soda is one of the best ingredients to treat acne-prone skin. It instantly targets acne, controls sebum and works to eliminate dark spots, all at once. Combined with sandalwood and rose water, these ingredients make a great face pack that instantly targets acne and reduces swelling and pain.


What you need:

1 tablespoon baking soda

1 tablespoon sandalwood powder

Rose water



Add the baking soda and sandalwood to a bowl and mix. Next, add enough rose water to the mixture to create a paste. Apply this paste all over your face and let it dry. Once dry, rinse with cold water.

Turmeric Face Mask

Turmeric helps in eliminating acne and brightens skin at the same time. It is anti-inflammatory and is rich in antioxidants both of which help in giving you acne-free glowing skin.


What you need:

1 2 tablespoons curd

1/2 teaspoon turmeric



Add the turmeric and curd to a bowl and mix well. Apply this paste onto your skin and rinse it off with cold water after 15 minutes.

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