Do not do these things on Saturday otherwise Shani Dev may ruined your work

Every day of the week has its own significance in Hinduism, if the scriptures are believed to be devoted to some God every day, but whenever the talk comes Saturday, then the image of God Shani Dev will be made in everyone's mind. Because Lord Shani Dev is such a god from whom good people want to work even if Shani Dev has been considered as the god of justice in Kali Yuga. It does not consider punishing any kind of sin and judges fairly. But apart from this, some rules have to be followed to avoid the wrath of Saturn, or else if their vision falls on you, then understand that you will be ruined. Believe in the scriptures, there are some things that are very important to follow, especially on Saturday, some rules have been said. It is very important to take care of it, so today we are going to tell you about those rules. Doing such things should be avoided, from whom Saturn in the horoscope can be inauspicious.

First of all, let us tell you that you have to take special care that you should not forget that you should not come with a thing made from iron or iron in the house on a Saturday, because it is considered a taboo in the scriptures. It has been said that on this day, iron things should be donated, by doing so, Lord Shane's grace will continue to rain on you.

Apart from this, an important thing is also to say that do not insult any poor on Saturday because Shani Dev is representing the poor. This is the reason why every person who insults the poor or harasses them, Shani Dev gives his wishes to the pulse, due to which his problems increase in his life.

Also, for your information, please also tell that if you want to celebrate Shani Devata, then you should donate oil on each Saturday for this. Let's also say that according to the scriptures it is believed that on this day oil should not be brought in the house. Apart from this, also tell you that on Saturdays, you should not take gift of any footwear from the outsiders, because on Saturday, if the donation of shoes and slippers is done to any poor, then all of Saturn's problems are removed.

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Also tell you that everyone should worship Peepal on Saturday. After worshiping, you will also take round Peepal's tree seven times. Apart from this, if you wish, to receive the blessings of Shani Dev, you should donate black sesame in the poor on Saturday, end your suffering. If you want to burn the mustard oil lamp in the temple of Hanuman ji, doing so will remove all your sorrows.

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