Donald Trump hopes, coronavirus will end in America till July

Washington: US President Donald Trump said that the global epidemic of coronavirus, which killed thousands of people and halted the lives of countries around the world, could relieve the US by the end of July. On the question of how long the virus can be overcome, Trump said in a press conference at the White House on Monday, "I feel that if we work very well in this direction, hopefully, We will get rid of it till July or August.

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Trump says that the US could 'possibly' go into an economic downturn due to the virus. He said he appeals to Americans not to accumulate anywhere in excess of 10. Giving information about the Coronavirus vaccine, US President Donald Trump said, "I am very happy to say that work has started in the fight against the coronavirus. A person has been given the vaccine and its phase-1 clinical trial has been started."

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Trump further said that it has taken a step towards developing the fastest vaccine in history. We are also increasingly trying to develop anti-viral therapy and other treatments. We have some promising early results.

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