Dr Rajendra Prasad Birth Anniversary: know facts about the first president of India

The birth anniversary of Dr Rajendra Prasad, the first President of independent India, is being observed today, 3 December. This year marks his 137th birth anniversary.

Dr Rajendra Prasad was also a freedom fighter, teacher and lawyer. Prasad was known to be an ardent follower of Mahatma Gandhi.

Here are some facts about the first president of the country:

From 1950 until 1962, Dr. Rajendra Prasad served as the president of the nation. He continues to be the president of the nation who has served the longest.

Prasad was taught by a Muslim scholarin his childhood, as his father wanted him to learn Persian

The renowned leader married Rajavanshi Devi in June 1896 when he was only 12 years old.

Prasad was a professor of English at a college in Bihar before resigning to attend law school in Kolkata. He also earned a legal degree from Allahabad. He worked as a professor at a Kolkata college while pursuing his graduate degree.

In 1916, he was admitted to the Bihar and Odisha High Court.

Prasad has a deep compassion for the poor and disadvantaged. He volunteered in 1914 during the severe floods that hit Bengal and Bihar.

He provided relief to those affected by the 1934 earthquake in Bihar.      

Mahatma Gandhi appointed Prasad to help in a campaign held for improving the situation for peasants that were being exploited in Bihar by the British indigo planters. He stopped practising law in 1920 and joined the Non-Cooperation movement.

After India gained its independence, Prasad led the Constituent Assembly and wrote the country's first constitution. He was crucial in determining the nation's post-independence development.

He received the Bharat Ratna, the highest civilian honour, in 1962. Due to his declining health, Prasad left public life that same year.

The great leader passed away 28 February 1963 at the age of 78 years.


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