Drinking this might increase your risk of type 2 diabetes

One of the new studies has found that drinking fruit juice likely to increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. As the study found by US scientists that fruit juice needs fibre and includes high sugar, which may enhance the risk of the condition. Diabetes patients should not replace high-sugar drinks with fruit juice. As the Express.co.uk published.“Having of fruit juices was positively linked to the incidence of type 2 diabetes. The fast delivery of a large sugar load, without any other elements that are a part of whole fruits, may be an essential mechanism by which fruit juices could contribute to the development of diabetes,” told by the scientists from Harvard and Tulane universities.

Taking of whole fruit and leafy green vegetables, which have less energy density and are rich in fibre and micronutrients, decrease the risk of developing the condition. Fruit juice has maximum no.  of its fibre removed when being manufactured, which makes it simple and easy to drink large quantities in one sitting. Diabetes UK told it was a good thing to have a sip of a small glass of fruit juice a day.

“We are aware of that too much of our sugar intake is coming from juices and smoothies, so it makes sense to cut down. The great news is that we are not eating enough fruit, so this is something you can eat more of,” the scientists continued. The symptoms of diabetes involve like an unquenchable thirst, feeling very tired, unexplained weight loss, and blurred vision.  

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