It is also very important for a healthy body to have vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, proteins and fibres. However, all vitamins are essential for a healthy body, but if there is a shortage of Vitamin 12 in the body, then it can weaken the memory power of the person and the person may also be the victim of insanity. Due to the lack of vitamin B12, the body increases the risk of many diseases. 

1- When there is a lack of vitamin B12, strong cells are not formed in the body. Due to which the skin starts falling yellow. If the colour of your body is also yellow, then this may be a sign of vitamin B12 deficiency. 

2- Memory decreases gradually when there is a shortage of vitamin B12. Apart from this, if there is a shortage of vitamin B12 in puberty, human beings can also be mad. 

3- If there is a lack of vitamin B12 in the body, oxygen in the blood is not able to reach properly. Due to not reaching oxygen, fatigue is felt in the eyes. 

4- There is a lack of oxygen in the body when there is a deficiency of vitamin B12. Due to which there may be problems like dizziness and numbness of the feet.

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