During Pregnancy must follow these skin care tips; will get the favourable result

Some women’s skin starts glowing during their pregnancy and some suffer from skin pigmentation making it look pale and dull. All this happens due to the pregnancy hormones. To maintain healthy and beautiful skin during pregnancy, you may need to re-evaluate your skincare routine.

Here are 8 simple skin care tips during pregnancy that every mom-to-be should keep in mind:

Drink plenty of water (at least 2 litres a day)

It helps in washing out the toxins from your body. Water helps in maintaining the right amount of amniotic fluid in your body that is good for you and your baby’s health. If you don’t like the taste of water in pregnancy, please make sure you are consuming liquids in other forms like coconut water, soups etc. So, keep a check on your water intake to maintain healthy and beautiful skin during pregnancy.

2. Sleep for at least 8 to 10 hours

Plenty of rest will give you more energy during the day and will prevent dark circles that can spoil your appearance during pregnancy. Sleeping to the fullest is one of the major aspects of having healthy and beautiful skin during pregnancy.

3. Never compromise on a balanced diet

You should take extra care of what you are eating and follow the right diet chart as advised by your doctor. Skin care during pregnancy also includes eating right and healthy.

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4. Avoid stress as much as possible

It is not good for you and your baby too. Meditate to calm yourself and practice to sit in silence for some time of the day.

5. Always remove makeup and moisturise before sleeping

Just like as we said earlier that face care during pregnancy should be kept in mind. So, before going to bed, it is advisable to clean and moisturise your skin before you go to sleep. This is how you would be getting rid off all the unwanted dirt and chemicals present on your face.

6. Regular exercise but light

Who says, you need not do exercise when you are expecting a baby? Yes, you can’t go for extensive workout plans, but can definitely do moderate exercise. Exercising is essential during pregnancy, not only for maintaining good health but also for the amazing skin. Basically, working out helps in tuning the organs and eliminating the toxins as and when you sweat. This increases the blood flow to the skin and makes it look healthier.

7. Use herbal products

One must not forget to try and use only and only herbal products. It is completely normal to witness some skin damages on the face during the pregnancy period. But don’t worry, they can be fixed if you use no other product than a herbal one. Keep a check on the products you are using, which actually should be according to your skin type.

8. Cleanse well

Are you amongst those pregnant women who are blessed with coveted pregnancy glow to flaunt? Or you are amongst those who have a pimply face? Well, no one can do much about the hormonal rollercoaster ride, but yes, you can at least make sure that you cleanse your skin well. This is how you would be able to maintain your clear pores and remove dirt.

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