Earthquake hits Baramulla

Strong tremors of earthquake were felt in the Poonch area of ​​Jammu and Kashmir on Tuesday morning, due to which people came out of their houses in fear. This earthquake came at around 6:45 in the morning, and its intensity was so high that people woke up from their sleep. However, it is a matter of relief that there is no news of any loss of life or property so far. The depth of the earthquake was about 5 kilometers, which could have made it more dangerous, but fortunately, no major incident occurred.

Why do earthquakes occur?

To understand the cause of earthquakes, we need to understand the structure of the Earth. The surface of the Earth rests on several tectonic plates, which float on liquid lava. When these plates collide with each other or their corners bend, the pressure on them increases. Due to this pressure, the possibility of plates breaking also increases. When this pressure becomes excessive, the plates break and the energy released from it finds a way out. This process results in an earthquake.

How is the intensity of an earthquake measured?

The Richter scale is used to measure the intensity of an earthquake. It is a mathematical scale that measures the intensity of earthquake waves. The intensity of an earthquake is measured on a scale of 1 to 9 on the Richter scale. This scale measures the intensity based on the energy released from within the earth from the center of the earthquake, called the epicenter. The more energy is released, the more the effect of the earthquake increases.

Effects depending on the magnitude of the earthquake on the Richter Scale: 0 to 1.9: Earthquakes of this magnitude are so mild that they can only be felt by seismographs. 2 to 2.9: There is a slight tremor, but people cannot feel it easily. 3 to 3.9: It feels as if a heavy vehicle is passing you. 4 to 4.9: There is a danger of windows breaking and pictures hanging on walls falling. 5 to 5.9: Furniture may move and movement may be felt inside the home. 6 to 6.9: Foundations of buildings may weaken, and upper floors may be damaged. 7 to 7.9: Buildings may collapse during the earthquake and there may be major loss of life and property. 8 and above: It is extremely destructive, causing widespread destruction and may collapse buildings, bridges, etc. Caution and awareness required

Earthquakes is a natural disasters, which is not possible to prevent, but it is important to take precautions to avoid their effects. Whenever earthquake tremors are felt, try to go to a safe place immediately. Take shelter in an open field or under a strong structure and avoid any kind of panic. Follow government instructions and safety measures and also help people around you. Earthquakes cannot be predicted, but with caution and vigilance, we can reduce its effect. This earthquake in Jammu and Kashmir has once again reminded us that we should always be prepared for natural disasters.

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