Easy guide to breastfeed your baby

Being the mother is the best feeling of all time. The moment you give birth to your child is the most amazing moment which comes with happiness and pain as well. Many moms who are the first timers get confused on how to take your baby in your arms to breastfeed. For the new moms, it turns out to be a challenging task when the baby is hungry & crying and you don't know how to take him near your breasts.  So today lets have a look at some of the easy steps which will help you to breastfeed your baby.

And as the old saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words. Use the photos here as your guide to the techniques and positions you need to know for successful breastfeeding.

The Latch *The most important thing during breastfeeding is latching.  *Position the baby on her side so she is directly facing you, with her belly touching yours. Next, prop up the baby with a pillow, if necessary, and hold her up to your breast; don't lean over toward her. *Place your thumb and fingers around your areola (see step A). *Tilt your baby's head back slightly and tickle her lips with your nipple until she opens her mouth wide (see step B). *Help her "scoop" the breast into her mouth by placing her lower jaw on first, well below the nipple (see step C). *Tilt her head forward, placing her upper jaw deeply on the breast. Make sure she takes the entire nipple and at least 1 & 1/2 inches of the areola in her mouth (see step D).

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