All girls use cream or other beauty products to enhance the beauty of their face, but doing so does not remove the beauty problem and neither the skin is enhanced. If you are too tired of using cream to bring glow in your skin then try adding these things to your diet. By consuming these things your face will improve and your skin problems will be removed. 

1- Amla is very beneficial for health as well as skin. You can also add it as a powder or juice to your diet. By consuming amla every day the skin is healthy as well as digestive action. 

2- Coconut water contains abundant amounts of antioxidants, amino acids and many types of nutrients that nourish the skin. Take a coconut water once a week to get the glow in the skin. 

3- Walnuts are also very beneficial for the skin. It is also used in making many types of skin care products. Nutrients are rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. By taking a daily walnut, the skin gets beautiful color. 

4- Consumption of lemonade rich in vitamin C and magnesium can solve skin problems. Apart from this, eating half lemon every day keeps the skin beautiful. 

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