Educate Girls to prevent Early Marriage, Youth Festival in Odisha

The speakers at a youth festival in Bhubaneswar Odisha on Tuesday, there is a need to promote education and ensure economic empowerment of women to prevent early marriage instead of increasing the marriageable age of girls from 18 to 21. A youth festival titled the ‘Empowerment notage’, has been organised by School of Women’s Studies, Utkal University in collaboration with Oxfam India. 

Prof Nabanita Rath, Director, School of Women’s Studies, Utkal University, in her welcome address said, “Apart from increasing age of marriage, we need to educate them and create more employment opportunities so that young women can get respect in society and live with dignity. It will also help in declining maternal mortality rate.” Prof Dr Sabita Acharya, the vice-chancellor urged students and teachers to make the Utkal University a violence free campus as a part of this campaign. 

Akshaya Ku Biswal, regional manager, Oxfam India Bhubaneswar said there are families where Akshaya Ku Biswal, regional manager, Oxfam India Bhubaneswar said parents get their daughters married off at an early age in few families. He asked the parents to refrain from gender discrimination and pleads to focus on education of both the children. Education empowers women to take their decision in life. Pragyan Paramita Bastia, Manager 181 Helpline; Dr Prof Hiranmayee Mishra, Director Women’s Studies Centre, UN Autonomous College and a feminist writer; Rukmini Panda, Programme officer Gender Justice, Oxfam India, Bhubaneswar also graced the occasion. 

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