Corona: Didn't rich and influential really get thermal screening?

The Modi government of India has termed those allegations as false and meaningless, in which the rich and influential people from abroad have been exempted from thermal screening. On giving clarification on Saturday, the government said that no softness was shown towards the passengers coming from abroad.

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Regarding this matter, the government claimed that in view of the Corona crisis, they have acted under the strategy in an active, pre-planned and classified manner. The cabinet secretary had pulled up the states for not properly monitoring those coming from abroad.

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After this all-round government was criticized. Due to this, on Saturday, the central government released a detailed description of the measures taken to prevent corona. The allegations of taking steps like declaring a 21-day lockdown without any kind of negligence and without any plan were dismissed. In the same statement, the government further said that it has taken steps to establish a 'comprehensive response mechanism' at its airports and borders. On January 30, on behalf of the World Health Organization (WHO), the coronavirus was declared a public medical emergency with international concern.

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